
You touch the bodies of the living
And mark them for dead
A plague of their own flesh
Rampant, raging, you spread.
Cruel monster, slithering
Through vessels, unknown
Multiplying, dividing
You plunder, you grow
You ravage and destroy
Rot the body like wood
No care for the innocent
No mercy for the good.
Blood, swelling, horror
When at last you are found
we fight for the victim
to which you are bound
we poison you, poison
hack, gauge you out
burn you, hot waves
just kill you somehow
internal struggles, a war
that won’t make the news
sometimes we win
and sometimes 
we lose. 

Photography By David Terrazas

Here is a presentation for a school project, made by DylanAlex McJohnson, about this poem :)


  1. Anonymous15.4.13

    brilliant, emotive poem! i like it a lot! cancer is a cruel taker of lives but with all the advances in modern medicine, it is a monster we shall one day conquer!

    1. thank you :)
      yes, hopefully one day.

  2. Anonymous16.4.13

    this is powerful poetry, nice.

  3. Anonymous17.4.13

    Reminds me of my mum (may she rest in peace) and her battle with breast cancer. There's a disgust between the lines of this poem that just reflects my own.

    1. i'm really sorry to hear about your mum. Your disgust is understandable. But for what little comfort it is worth, the pain of your loss will eventually lessen with time, and i hope you also find peace one day.
      thank you for your comment. :)

  4. To take such an ugly subject and still write such powerful and beautiful words, probably the harshest poem language wise i've read of yours but still so well constructed this was a joy to read though i feel it must have been hard to write, given the feelings it conveys thank you for sharing it

    1. Yes, i think perhaps the anger and disgust i felt while writing this made me almost spit out the words with my hands- if that makes any sense! thank you very much for your comment, Ashley. Appreciated as always :)

  5. Anonymous25.11.13

    Hello, I am a Dance student and was looking for an stimulus for my dance to be based on, I decided to do cancer as it means something to me. I've been looking for a poem that was understated and really understood the feelings and the battles of cancer when I came across your beautiful poem and will hopefully be using it. Thank you for your brilliant words and talents. <3 xxx

    1. Hi, thank you so much for your comment and for choosing my poem as your stimulus, it means a lot. I'm glad that I was able to help and I wish you the very best of luck with your dance :) xxxx
