The Story I Am.

You construct every sentence of my life,
sentencing me to a life of your choosing,
I am losing a battle with every demon you have penned,
penniless within my soul, sold to the devil so long ago.
 I am a story with so many commas
 I pause for effect,
 cause and effect are illusions, delusions 
you have formulated in the mind of man
lest he ever doubt the freedom he thinks he has.
Everyone else keeps moving on,
they are gone before I can blink,
no time to think which road to takea
for you write my decision before it is made
and I am saved from the perilous evil of peace.
I am but a character in the twisting plot
a melting pot of emotions and illusions
burning in confusion
and seclusion, is all I ask of you.                                  
hanging off cliffs in every chapter
you wrote no rescue from my captors,
enraptured by the thought that there is some better future.
You have scrawled me onto every unknown dark road,
and I crawl, crying over cobbled stones, alone
uneven paths that last for miles, never reaching home.
And every door crossing my sight, invites  me in.
The hope of freedom is a craze,
this maze is never ending.
I am trapped, I am caught,
I don’t why I hold on to the thought that the salvation I sought
will be sent, by the author who dictates my destiny.
The intricacy of this realm you have inscribed,
I cannot describe in the mere words created by man.
I am not more than I am. I began in an imperfect land
with no plan, a chewed ball of flesh, the daughter of man.
You gave me the gift of life and of words
but with each gift came a trial to wipe the smiles
and remind me happiness is as short lived as the shortest of miles,
but still worthwhile for the refreshing peace it brings.
The refreshing pieces of serenity that make my heart sing;
but the moment dies before my eyes.
I so despise the sorrow
of goodbyes.
each story has an ending.
Though spending every waking moment pretending I know it is useless.
I cannot expect it, so must accept it can come quicker than I know
or painfully slow, when I'm begging to let go
or caught in the flow of a-


  1. Anonymous25.4.14

    great ending~ the irony of the end coming before "the end" is excellently portrayed!

  2. Anonymous25.4.14

